So you're more then likely asking yourself after reading all my posts, walk thru posts, suggestions and so on... Why just give this away and not charge for this?
Well the answer to this is well and easy one and some what of a philosophical one as well. So here's a little bit of history as to the why.
My story much like anyone else's is of humble means. When I was younger my parents split up. Of course this had a huge impact on whom I have become and this is why. Leaving out all the depressing parts and some other irrelevant info we moved into an apartment when I was about 10 years old. This is where I met a man I now consider my father and also my inspiration for my cannabis growing.
This man we will just call "Mark" for privacy reasons is to this day a parapalegic after an accodent in his life had broken his back clamming his ability to walk. I would ask him from time to time why his feet still moved, why his legs bounced every so often or even why he was in so much pain. Then the day came when he and I had shared a join while we where working on something together.
He told me the reason why he smokes cannabis (it was referred to as pot back then before it became socially unacceptable) was to help with his tremors in his hands, help him with his appetite, his pain and so on.
I then started donating my time to a local group that helped people that are differently abled and found out that most of the people in this group used it for the same reasons as "Mike". So I started becoming a medical marijuana advocate at the age of about 14.... A little young yes and of course most and by most I mean basically everyone thought it was just so I could smoke. In all honesty it really wasn't for that reason at all. It was because I had seen just how much it had helped people and in so many ways.
It would be hard to understand where I was coming from unless you where actually involved in that community. I then started researching it for myself and poured over research papers from University, private institution, so on. Basically anything I could find on the subject both the pro and the con of it.
What helped is the fact that "Mark" also took me under his wing and tried to keep me out of trouble. I guess you could say that we became really close when I was at such a young age that it impacted me in a positive way.
I had also developed PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Disorder) as well as VBPD (Volitile Bipolar Disorder) from other things that I will not get into. So I had started smoking cannabis again after quitting for many years. I had noticed that it had helped if taken in conjunction with the medications I have been perscribed from my family doctor.
Has it cured me?
Not in the slightest but don't get me wrong it does help if used in concert with my meds and NOT as the only form of medicating.
This is around the time of when here in the not so frosty white North that is Canada had started allowing medical marijuana. Then the companies that came to grow it... Sell it... So on. Now since October 17 2018 the government has lossened the marijuana prohibition (honestly if you really think about it... It's not fully legal here or anywhere for that matter). I've seen the billions made by these companies and personally if they where really in it to help the people as they have tried to clame soon many different times and it not be for profit... Then the companies would work on a cost nutural basis (meaning makes no money and just helps). Then again... That just takes some fancy book keeping to make this look that way.
So instead of writing a book and charging "X" amount for it I am freely giving away my knowledge and suggestions. All I ask in return is if you wish to help check out the links I have for grow tents, lights, seeds, etc.
This is my way of giving back to you and instead of the multi-billion dollar companies that are making money off of something you can grow at home. Then well I'm glad to give back to you in this way.
At least you know what you grew your cannabis in.... Can you say for sure that you know what they grew theirs in?
Didn't think so.
So I hope you find my blog either educational, informative, humorous or whatever. Just please pass it along to anyone you wish.
So in closing....
Take care of each other and remember... Living, loving, laughing and family are some of the best medicine out there.